Добрый день начинающие игроки minecraft. В сегодняшней статье речь пойдёт о том как же все таки установить моды в игру. Для примера мы возьмём два мода: AudioMod и ModLoader.
Первым делом узнаем какая версия операционной системы у нас установлена на компе.
*username — это название вашего компьютера.
1. Открываем архиватором minecraft.jar;
2. Открываем архив скачанный с категории моды для minecraft;
3. Перетаскиваем все файлы из мода в minecraft.jar;
4. Удаляем META-INF;
5. Вот и все, спасибо за внимание.
Press the keybinding configured to open the XRay GUI (Graphical User Interface) – default is J. Inside the user interface you can select or unselect blocks to be visible, and create or delete additional XRay profiles.
Open the XRay GUI and click Edit Coordinates. A new window will pop up where you can modify what is on the coordinates displays. The available options you can use in this file are:
{X}, {Y}, {Z} – XYZ coordinates
{X1}, {Y1}, {Z1} – XYZ coordinates with 1 decimal.
{X2}, {Y2}, {Z2} – XYZ coordinates with 2 decimals.
{ChunkX}, {ChunkY}, {ChunkZ} – the location of the chunk you’re in.
{ChunkPosX}, {ChunkPosY}, {ChunkPosZ} – your location within the chunk.
{FPS} – the FPS string.
{Biome} – the current biome you’re in.
{BlockLight}, {SkyLight} – the block light and skylight levels.
{LookingAt} – the coordinates of the block you are currently looking at.
{Compass} – the current direction you are facing.
{Fly} – if fly is enabled, and your current fly speed.
Keybindings can be configured in the Controls window in-game. (you may have to scroll down to find them)
How to install XRay Mod:
The mod comes with an installer. Simply double click on the downloaded file, and select a profile to install it into. You can select a vanilla profile, a modded profile, a Forge profile, or even a LiteLoader profile! It will also detect Technic mod packs and ATLauncher instances.
Note: If you double click on the installer, and it opens in WinRAR (or similar program), you will need to right click on the downloaded file, and go to Open with → Java(TM) Platform SE binary. If that option is not available you may need to install Java.